I've always been a bit cocky about it, I'd remark to my husband "well, my goal in life is not to be great at one thing but to be OK at A LOT of things." Since I was a kid, I've dabbled on things left and right, from fashion designing, to cross stitching and painting. I'm OK at all of those.
The other day, while attempting to wring the living daylight out of the poor paypal (lack of) customer service rep, my toddler decided it would be cool to hang out with me in the office. He picked a specific spot between a huge box of Daddy's guitar pedals and Mommy's bass guitar.
This is my girl Ginger, she's a Fender Mustang bass that husband got for me as a gift for Valentine's day in 2007 right after the first show I played with him in Berkeley. Elliott accidentally knocked her over while I was busy fiddling with the computer and my heart dropped. My heart dropped for two reasons, one, because he hit the little TV we have in the room, two, my bass could have been damaged. Then guilt sets in and realization that she's just one of the many hobbies I've tackled on to fill my time then ultimately put on hold so life can have time. I just haven't made space for her in my life lately and that kills because I have things I need to do, and she becomes categorized under the "can wait" section of life. These hobbies then get placed in the back burner. She's currently being kept company by my current lack of interest in reading.
This is one of those hobbies though that I can't just set aside like I did with knitting (which is currently replaced by crocheting. I'm much faster at it so I like it better). For some reason, this one hits home and hurts whenever I see her sitting in the corner collecting dust. I put in a lot of emotion into learning how to play bass, it was a sort of rebellion against my childhood classical piano lessons that I loathed like no other. I do hope to pick her up again one day, just to dabble (along with my fantasies of becoming a rock star. ha!). Some hobbies are easier to let go or set aside than others, and this is the dilemma of adulthood, life gets in the way. Some hobbies become a part of one's self, then it just becomes this fight where there's just a continuous need to make sure that the uniqueness doesn't get drowned in life.
For now, Fall 2010, I'm consumed with running, crocheting, photography and the usual cooking and baking.
I'm planning to maybe finally do that whole culinary school deal, we'll see. That's another story for another day, kids. It's just another thing I need to insert along with being a wife and a mom. On the bright side, taking on all these activities is keeping me busy especially since the Air Force needs my husband a lot more than usual lately. I just hope I don't forget things all the time, like today, I forgot my SD card for my camera. That was an unplanned halt for a hobby but was a surefire to do it.
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