Saturday, November 20, 2010

I survived my first 5k

Back in the summer I decided I was going to start running. I was never a good runner before, but I needed to do something about my post-pregnancy body.  The most I've done since picking up the routine is run for 31 minutes straight but I've only reached about 2.2-2.4 miles with that time. I average about a 14 minute mile, not bad, but not great either. I ran last Monday and for 38 minutes, I only did 2.8 miles. I had this 5k run today and well, 5k is 3.1 miles so I was trying to figure out how in the world I was going to make it under my 40 minute goal. My plan was to run about two-thirds of it then run/walk/run the rest of it. Basically, by the time I reach my usual 25-30 minute straight run, I'll take it a little easy. I didn't plan for this weather though.

Yes, it was raining and it was 46 degrees out.

 My wonderful friend Lisa tried her best to get me to run the whole time, but the rain, was weighing my poor choice of an outfit down and I can feel my lungs piercing in pain. She was such a trooper and have been my partner with running. I really do wish I ran the whole thing with her. When I reached the end all I heard was 53! 53 minutes? Seriously? I just about felt like a failure until the girl that was smart enough to bring a watch with her told me it was 37.50. So 37.50 for my 5k meant I just shaved off a minute and added .3 miles on my run.

There were things I learned in my first 5k:

-I need to invest in those spandex running outfits.
-The windbreaker pants and fleece jacket are a bad idea for a run that's going to be in the rain. Well, probably any run.
-I need a reliable watch.
-There has to be a way I can figure out how to breathe better while running so I don't cramp faster.
-I want to be the girl in the hot pink spandex outfit running pretty next time.

The gobble wobbles did great, we all finished  between 32-38 minutes (I was last, ha!). I want to do another one and hopefully, by that time I can run all 5k. I can walk away from this knowing I finished under my goal and sticking to my plan actually worked.

3/4 of our Gobble Wobbles team. 


  1. love it! you rocked it spring chicken! <3 mother hen lol lol lol

  2. Awesome job! I want to do a 5K too, but I have no one to go with me. :/

    As for the breathing, I'm no expert but it's best to force yourself to breath slower for long-distance running. I breathe with my steps, like "in-two-three-four, out-two-three-four." It's hard once you get really tired but it should help your cramping.

    It's awesome that you're still running. I quit when I got my job in July... Yikes! I've been thinking about starting up again, but now the temp is in the teens...

  3. Lisa- thanks for being there with me!

    Leah- come visit me, I'll do a 5k with you. Thanks for the breathing tip, I'll probably try that out today or tomorrow. Hopefully I have work-out time.

    I've also tried running in place. It can get a bit boring, but I put on a movie and it works out. I last about 30-40 minutes before I get bored.

  4. Ooooh, I've never thought about running in place.... Thanks for the idea!
